Today, the rapid advancement of digital technology, on the one hand, makes our lives easier, and on the other hand, causes various dynamics that affect our mental health. The internet, social media and other digital tools can have a profound impact on our psychological well-being. Here are the dangers encountered in the digital world and the precautions that can be taken against these dangers: Threats:
  1. Social Media and Self-Worth Issue: Social media platforms can cause people to constantly compare themselves to others. This can lead to self-worth issues and low self-esteem.
  2. Digital Bullying: Online bullying is called cyberbullying or cyberstalking. This includes harassment, swearing or threats that individuals are subjected to on digital platforms, which can lead to serious psychological effects.
  3. Screen Addiction and Insomnia: Constant screen use can disrupt sleep patterns and keep people awake throughout the night. This can negatively affect mental health and lead to problems such as stress and anxiety.
  4. Digital FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Lives shared on social media increase the fear of missing something, which can cause unrest and anxiety in people.
  1. Implementing a Digital Detox: Staying away from screens at certain intervals, especially before bed, can promote better sleep patterns and improve mental health.
  2. Conscious Use of Social Media: Limiting social media use and approaching content consciously can reduce comparison and self-worth issues.
  3. Education Against Digital Bullying: Educating children and teens about digital bullying can improve their ability to cope with such situations and increase their emotional resilience.
  4. Developing Digital Resilience: Developing emotional resilience against negativity online can help people navigate the digital world in a healthier way.
  5. Joining Online Support Groups: Joining online support groups to make positive connections in the digital world can provide people with emotional support and prevent them from feeling isolated.
The rapidly evolving nature of the digital world can have significant effects on our mental health. However, it is possible to cope with these dangers by developing conscious and healthy digital habits. While using the opportunities offered by the internet, it is equally important to protect our own mental health.
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